By: Aleli L. Hernandez, Principal 1
Callejon National High School
SDO Quezon
We often hear this joke about Math, depicting Math as a difficult and challenging subject for some students. It is the subject that students love to hate. And to some, it is the reason why they pursue another college course just to avoid Math.
But in reality we cannot avoid Mathematics. We are living together with Math; without this subject we are nothing. Even God use Math in creating the universe, He precisely convey all the mathematical skills just to perfectly finish His great masterpiece.
We will not have this latest technology if our great mathematics didn’t love Math. In digital world its full of math, every part of it is Math. Inventors use math while designing, creating and planning all the things we have today. Even your social media account is just a mathematical figure of 0 and 1.
Everyday we use Math, not just in school while doing the worksheet, board works or the assignment. It is so essential that we tend not to notice the existence of Math in our life.
We use math early in the morning just by looking at the clock; we use math while putting the right amount of toothpaste or shampoo during our bath. We even apply math while we eat, we estimate the right amount sugar in our drinks and use math when we pay our fare going to school.
So why learners hate Math?
Since Math needs an exact answer, learners got frustrated if they fail to give the right answer. If a learner is trying to solve a math equation and got the wrong answer after a long computation and number of tries, this might create a sense of frustration especially inside the school.
Math requires to follow some steps, formulas and theorems. All of these requires full understanding in order this hate-subject. It is easier for learners to master multiplication if they know the concept of addition.
Learners think Math is a challenging subject, and they are right. It demands challenge not only to the students but also to the teachers in order to teach Math so that every learner will love it.
Teachers need to adapt, formulate and devise plans in order to make Math fun. So, the next time we hear this joke, “Ask me anything except Math.”, it will be “Ask my anything, including Math!”