by: Ailyn P. Odejar
Teacher III, Sta Cruz Central Elementary School
Sta Cruz Sub Office, SDO Laguna
Reading is the foundation of all learning and knowledge. It serves as the pathway to other learning areas. Without reading skills such as fluency and comprehension, the door for acquiring knowledge is difficult. Hence, Santa Cruz Elementary School immediately conducted PHIL-IRI individual reading assessment. It was found out that 43% of the total enrolment of Grade 5 learners of Santa Cruz Elementary fell under frustration reading level.
Due to the mentioned condition, the researcher implemented Project 4Rs (Read, Reply, Recall and Recognize) as intervention to improve the reading skills of the identified 20 Grade 5 struggling readers. Among the 4Rs, Read means reading in creative ways such as read and cut, read and draw, read and act, and other techniques that develop learners’ love for reading as well as reading fluency and comprehension. Likewise, Reply is the part wherein the participants answer the provided questions to distinguish their comprehension level. Through Recall, the reading recipients retell or summarize what they have read in their own words and based on their understanding. Recognize is one of the most important parts of the reading project since leaners are more motivated when recognized.
Upon implementation of 4Rs it was found out that the Mean Percentage Score of the 20 reading participants for the Month of February was 68. 75, 74.00 on March, on April was 78.25 and 79.50 on May. The Mean Percentage Score (MPS) of the four consecutive months fell under Instructional reading level. Likewise, the MPS of the month of June was 81.25 which fell under Independent level. The Average Mean Percentage Score of the Monthly Assessment from February to June was 76.35 while the MPS of PHIL IRI reading assessment was 57.25. There is a significant difference of 19% which indicates that the reading skills of the reading recipients improved due to the implementation of Project 4Rs (Read, Reply, Recall and Recognize).
The results signify the necessity of implementing Project 4Rs in improving the reading level of struggling readers. Each process in 4Rs motivates the readers to enhance their reading fluency and comprehension.
Hence, the researcher recommends to intensify the implementation of Project 4Rs (Read, Reply, Recall and Recognize) to learners from grades 4,5,and 6 in the same school Santa Cruz Elementary. Also the researcher coordinated with the head teacher of Patimbao Elementary School, Mr. Elmer C. Banania for the adoption of Project 4Rs to their grade 5 learners.