by: Rona V. Dichoso
Teacher 3
Antonia Manuel Magcase Elementary School
Blending learning was applied for the Academic Year 2022-2023, during the First Quarter, the pupils are task to answer their modules at home. On the second quarter the pupils are able to come in school to partially apply the face-to-face classes. As part of my action plan in Mother Tongue on the second week of September we conducted an orientation to the parents of Grade One through a virtual platform to inform the parents about retrieval/distribution day. And on the third week we conducted the Pre-Assessment Reading of Grade One learners. Based on the result of the assessment we can group the level of our learner. We launch our Reading Program DARNA- Developing Ability and Reading Numeracy through Active Activities. After this we processed in encoding and printing of the reading materials to be distributed to the learners. We implement the reading program DARNA. By group was schedule to attend the reading program in the afternoon at 1:50-2:40 for Monday, Wednesday and Friday, January 2023 was the Mid -Year Assessment and it shows the reading progress of the learners. The Post-Reading Assessment was in May 2023, and as the result 98% of the Grade One Learners are reader, only 2% were retained. We gave awards and recognition to the pupils excel in reading with comprehension.