by: Marianne F. Estrada
MT-I, San Andres ES
One of the culprits pointed out for the deteriorating quality of Philippine Education is the declining quality of teachers which in turn is linked with teacher’s motivation and commitment to their organization. To build a strong educational institution and concrete learning foundation among students, school teachers must be motivated and committed enough to carry out the real mission and vision of the school and of education in general.
This study analyzed the motivational factors and extent of work commitment of Elementary School teachers in Alaminos District, Division of Laguna and its implications to Educational Administration and Supervision. A descriptive research design which incorporated quantitative and qualitative approaches was adopted. A survey was carried out with 100 respondents. Data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics analyses. Demographically, majority of Alaminos District teachers are female, married, 31-50 years old or middle-aged and have 6-15 years of teaching experience . In terms of educational attainment, 84% of the respondents completed bachelor’s degree while the rest completed M.A. and/or PhD degrees. The study revealed that achievement and recognition contributed most to teacher’s motivation, followed by job description, monetary aspect, social aspect, security aspect and working condition. The study further revealed that there is high extent of teachers’ work commitment. Furthermore , in the test of relationship between the profile of teachers and their work motivation, only civil status was found to have significant relationship with work motivation.In the test of relationship between teacher profile and work commitment, both civil status and length of teaching experience yielded a significant relationship with commitment.
In general, the study’s teacher respondents had high level of motivation leading to a high extent of organizational commitment. The researcher recommends to re-orient teachers on the concept of teaching profession requiring motivation and commitment – that is, an effective educator needs to be committed not only to their students, but to the teaching profession as a whole. A larger population of respondents including Preschool teachers to Senior high school, from other districts of different demographics may aid the study and may provide more substantial data on how the quality of Philippine Education may be improved by looking into the factors that motivate teachers. The result of the study also sends a strong message to School Supervisors and Administrators, even to the national and local governments, to provide teachers with continuous professional growth opportunities because teachers are eternal students, they are lifelong learners. An equally important goal to consider by School heads is to establish a good working relationship within the institution and maintain a high standard of education.