By: Karen S. Balela
Magdalena Sub -Office, SDO Laguna
Ananias Laico Memorial Elementary School
During our elementary days, we can describe Mathematics as playground for numbers. We started to count from one to ten, then up to hundred. We even skip count by 2’s, 3’s and so on. Different number songs were also introduced to our young minds while dancing, clapping and jumping on this Math-beat.
Throughout these primary years, we are now introduced how to combine, subtract, multiply and divide numbers. From counting using our fingers we opt to use our hands doing mathematical operations. And who will forget that during those days we use “bakod technique” especially in division. Until we use pen and papers, and the back of our notebook as scratch paper.
It was in the secondary years when our teacher put a letter with our Math numbers. Who will thought that we can add letters! Our Math teachers seems to missed the letter X so much, that they want the whole class to look for it.
During our high school journey, we are also deceived that shapes are friendly little things way back elementary days, circle put some pressure on us while studying its part. Triangle ruined my childhood as it attacks me with is sides and vertices.
Then we start to question our self, is Mathematics really a blessing from God or a curse from a ravaging soul of our great mathematicians. Can I use this algebraic equation when buying kamote? Or will I say, “Can I buy x2 + 16x – 34 kilos of rice?”.
But Math is not just a number, It is about the power of mind for reasoning, for enhancing critical thinking and solve problem systematically.
It is indeed you don’t need to say mathematics equation in buying things from the market. But if you know how to apply certain mathematical concept, like estimation, you will be amazed by how these numbers help you prepare your dish when you arrived in your home.
Math is your everyday life. It is your life; remember the day you were born there is Math. Your parents use math to count the special day of your arrival, they waited for 9 months.
Our age is number and so as Math, its maybe scary to solve complex mathematical equation, but remember that fact that it is solvable. Everyone with a proper knowledge and follow mathematical concept can solve it.
So, let’s get out of the idea that Math is just a number. It’s maybe just a number, but those number can calculate what we are today and what are we going to be in the future.