By: Adela I. Racoma, Head Teacher 1
SDO Laguna, San Antonio ES
Luisiana Sub-office
More than two long years had passed since the start of the pandemic. Learners were confined inside their homes with limited movements, and now their back inside the school to explore their skills and abilities in real life. With this, under Council Circular No. 11, series of 2022 the Girl Scouts of the Philippines (GSP) Laguna will be holding a School Investiture Ceremony for Twinkler, Star, Junior, Senior, and Cadet Girl Scouts — all age levels — simultaneously in all schools on December 10, 2022, and January 7 and 14, 2023.
With the theme “Beyond the pandemic, building back the better GSP”, this activity aims to provide new and interesting experiences with opportunities for acquiring new skills and helping girls in their abilities to be accepted and adjusted members of a group in the new normal.
Their mission — To help girls and young women realize the ideals of womanhood and prepare themselves for their responsibilities in the home, the nation, and the world community. The GSP aims to empower women with the things that they could do and contribute to the betterment of our country. Along with its vision that Filipino girls and young women are God-loving, patriotic, progressive, dynamic, and proactive.
Recovering from the pandemic which had left us with a lot of holes in parts of our lives, GSP is an ideal avenue for our young girls to become active citizens of our country. To provide a non-formal educational program based on character development and the ideals of service, this worldwide movement can patch up some of the social skills our young and adult ones have lost during the pandemic time.
Employing the Scout Method, an essential and unique system for progressive self-education – GSP applies various elements that support Scouting’s purpose and principles. Through these, they will gain lifelong learning and skills based on shared values, education, fun, and enjoyment.
Scouting – a term that had been lost during remote learning – is slowly making a comeback as well in the lives of us and our learners. A program of informal education with an emphasis on practical outdoor activities, including camping, woodcraft, aquatics, hiking, backpacking, and sports – it is undeniable that being a Girl Scout shaped a part of our lives to become a better citizen of our country and the world.
To be part of GSP means that girls will learn and grow in a safe, all-girl environment, which helps them discover themselves and their values, try new things and take healthy risks, connect with others to create positive relationships, and take action in their communities on issues they’re passionate about.
We are all Girl Scouts. As we remember the one-line phrase – ‘Kapag Girl Scout, laging handa.’ Let us encourage our girls to become part of this endeavor which influences girls and young women into becoming change agents who are responsible, decisive, useful, respected, and acknowledged citizens in a changing world.