By: Jimbel A. Panaglima, Teacher II
Liliw Sub Office, SDO Laguna
Francisco S. Brosas Memorial ES
Nobody is surprised to learn that the school’s first priority is to meet the needs of the learners. Other than education is making sure that their health is good not only in the physical aspect but also in the mental aspect. Several activities have been carried out in relation to this.
On the other side, it may be claimed that teachers are the biggest supporters of schools. The Department of Education’s projects and activities cannot be carried out without them. Teachers are aware that the majority of these activities only seek to close the learning gap brought on by the recent pandemic. The collection of ideas that are supposed to address the issue we are facing is an effort to find an easy solution to this problem. Additionally, the many proposals and platforms put out merely add to the workload of those who carry out the created plan for this, namely the teachers.
Currently, school teachers are in full swing preparing for the mandatory 5 day In-person classes. From learning plans, DLL and learner’s materials and others are completed one by one. Apart from this, the ancillary work and coordinatorship of the teachers.
How are they at this time? How is their health? the thought? Do they ever cry for themselves? If they are the support of young people at school, shouldn’t they also be strong, safe and protected?
Sometimes, all we learn is that a different teacher has become unwell or that someone is allegedly despondent at work. These instructor complaints are demonstrated in several interviews. In addition, there was the issue of money and the absence of family time. Mental health issues are the end effect.
If it is not addressed, according to experts in mental health, it could develop into a more serious issue.
Since the DepEd is aware of this, it will continue to offer psychosocial support and mental health services to our students and instructors in schools.
We will still be in charge, we will still prioritize it, and we will still take care of ourselves whether or not this free service that will look after us is effective for our teachers and pupils. It’s not bad to value yourself because it will enable you to serve others more effectively in the long run.