By: Irene D. Filart
Teacher I, San Jose Integrated High School
Mathematics is something that men discovered that has been in place since time immemorial. It is indeed the Queen of all Sciences. Mathematics is the formal system on recognizing, classifying, and exploiting patterns that is why it has become very useful in the discoveries of our world.
Mathematics in nature is the greatest show on earth and that is why it is considered to play a major role in our world. Mathematics is an important part of understanding our world as it is used in almost all branches of science including human anatomy, physics, and even in astrology. Mathematics also solve complex and real-life problems.
When we manage money for the day’s tasks, we do mathematical applications. Math is also needed in balancing checkbooks so that you will know how much money to spend and so you can budget your money wisely. Math is also used in shopping for the best price and also in computing for the needs that you are going to buy. Math is also used in preparing food like how many cups of ingredients are you going to need for the day’s meal. It is also used in figuring out the distance, time, and cost of travel. Math is also used in understanding sports like team statistics and probabilities so that we may know how what tactics to do in order to defeat an opponent in a game.
Math is also everywhere around us. Environmental phenomena like the arc of a rainbow or moon halos illustrate the Fibonacci sequence. Symmetries like in butterfly or fruits like the cover of a pineapple reflects geometry. Fingerprints and whirlpool in the human body are examples of spiral symmetry. Indeed, Math’s influence in our daily lives cannot be denied and its usefulness is a testament of the wonders it can make in our lives.