In the city of Davao, a skilled embroiderer from Sta. Rosa, Laguna, started her journey that would not only shape her destiny but also enrich the local tapestry. Driven by her vision and armed with skills, Josephine Mañaga noticed an untapped market for Laguna embroidery in Davao, which encouraged her to take a bold leap of faith.
“I noticed the lack of embroiderers in Davao City, and I believed that bringing embroidery closer to them could be mutually beneficial. The competition is minimal, plus I can provide Davao people with accessibility,” Mañaga said.
Upon arriving in the city, she introduced herself to local seamstresses, gradually earning recognition in the field. Starting with a single machine and manual stitching, Josephine has now evolved to five machines, embracing computerized embroidery for precision and efficiency.
While in the business, she joined CARD Bank. Her clientship with the institution proved to be a crucial step in her entrepreneurial journey. The bank provided her the support to obtain essential equipment she needed for operating her business. She recalled her first CARD Bank loan was used as a supplement to purchase an embroidery machine.
The fruits of her persistence and dedication showed in more than just intricate designs. The earnings from her expanding business empowered Josephine to invest in land and build a home.
The pandemic that occurred in 2020 also did not impede her progress because it served as a bridge for her to gain clients who purchased personal protective equipment (PPE) and facemasks for frontliners. She survived the pandemic while also providing a job for her staff. Currently, she has three operators and six tailors under her supervision.
Looking ahead, her vision extends beyond embroidery hoops and needles. In the next five years, Josephine Mañaga envisions expanding her business, offering livelihood opportunities to even more individuals and leaving a mark on the fabric of Davao City’s success.